

The Board of Trustees and State Institutions of Higher Learning of Mississippi, approved the establishment of the following traffic rules and regulations for the control, 方向, 停车, and general regulations of traffic for all motor vehicles on the campus of Delta State University.

These regulations are an official part of General University Administrative Regulations which all students and employees, 通过他们的登记或接受工作, 受…约束.


学生 and employees who park their motor vehicles on the campus must register their vehicles with the Delta State Police Department and purchase a 停车 permit. The University will not be responsible for providing 停车 spaces for registered vehicles, nor can the University be held responsible for any damages to vehicles or occupants while vehicles are on campus.

1. 登记车辆

网上机动车登记快捷方便. You must register your vehicle before a 停车 permit (decal) may be obtained. Accurately provide the following information for vehicle registration:

  • 三角洲州900号ID(不是你的SSN)
  • 驾驶执照#
  • 本地地址和邮箱地址
  • 登记车辆的车牌号
  • 登记车辆的品牌、型号、颜色和年份
  • 车主资料如与司机资料不同



2. 支付许可证费用


  • 全年:42美元.00(秋、春、夏)*请注意2美元.00服务费.


You must pay for your permit online using a debit or credit card during vehicle registration.


员工 may pay online with a debit or credit card but also have the option to pay for their permits with payroll deduction in two payments of $21, 第一次在9月,第二次在10月.

员工 permits are for the use of Delta State University employees ONLY. Therefore, a family member or significant other may not use 员工 permits.

Payroll Deductions Are Only Available August 1st – August 31, 2023

3. 领取许可证

完成车辆登记后, your 停车 permit will be processed and ready for pick up from UPD in Bailey #108. All vehicles must have a 2023-2024 permit by September 1st. 去年的许可证(AY 22-23)将于2023年8月31日到期.


  • A vehicle 停车 permit is effective from the date of purchase until the expiration date on the permit.
  • Permanently affix permits to the outside lower left corner of the rear window, 左后保险杠, 或者摩托车的挡泥板.
  • 员工或学生停车许可证的费用是42美元.00.
  • 只有三角洲州的雇员可以购买雇员许可证. No family member nor any other person may use an 员工 permit. 居住在校内宿舍的非学生, 承包商, 或雇员有资格获得社区停车许可证.
  • 受助人对发给他们的许可证负责. If you change vehicles within the academic year, you must obtain a new permit for $7.00.
  • You may obtain up to two temporary 停车 permits per term provided you have a registered vehicle. 临时许可证的有效期最长为两周.
  • Persons using vehicles other than their registered vehicle(s) must obtain a temporary permit at 免费. Temporary permits are available at the Delta State Police Department.
  • Acquire temporary permits immediately after arriving on campus, and place the temporary permit on the driver’s side front dashboard.
  • 学生 changing 停车 status may exchange the needed type of permit for $7.00. A permit on a vehicle should always reflect the current student status. Failure to make the proper changes may result in 停车 tickets and/or charges.


  • RENTAL TAG: Persons wanting to register vehicles displaying rental tags will not be sold a Delta State permit. UPD will issue a free temporary 停车 permit for a vehicle with a rental tag while your currently registered vehicle is in the shop for repair.
  • HANDICAP TAG: Handicap 停车 areas on campus require a state-issued placard or license plate. A handicap permit holder may also park in any legal 停车 space on the Delta State campus. The person for whom the placard is issued must be present in the vehicle to use a handicapped 停车 space, 根据国家法律.


  • 把车停在指定的区域吗.
  • 不要把车停在其他区域.
  • Don’t park in loading zones or in “no 停车” striped zones.
  • 在恶劣天气时是否允许额外的停车时间.
  • Don’t block driveways or walkways or impede pedestrian traffic.
  • 不要把车停在有标志的车位外.
  • Do be alert for pedestrians stepping into the roadway or exiting parked cars.
  • Don’t park on the grass or in other areas not designed for 停车.
  • 遵守所有交通标志吗.
  • 不要重复停车.
  • 使用转向灯.
  • 不要把车停在车流的对面.
  • 停车要随车流而动吗.
  • Don’t park in spaces reserved for “Visitor,” “Handicapped,” or “Service/Police Vehicles.”
  • 不要倒车到停车位.


  • Delta State reserves the right to regulate the use of motor vehicles on campus or to prohibit use by any person who refuses to comply with 停车 and traffic regulations. Vehicles which have accumulated two or more unpaid tickers 受…约束 being immobilized if the vehicle is not registered.
  • Owners of immobilized vehicles must complete vehicle registration and purchase a 停车 permit before the vehicle will be released. UPD可以在五(5)天后拖走固定的车辆. Also, an additional fine of $75 is levied a the time of immobilization.
  • Permitted vehicles cited for repeat violations 受…约束 immobilization or towing at the owner’s expense, 不管之前的引用是否突出.
  • UPD charges any violations cited against a permit number to the permit holder.
  • 在校园里驾驶机动车是一种特权, 不是权利, subject to the regulations set forth by the Board of Trustees and administered by the University.


Park motor vehicles only in the areas designated as 停车 areas, 以这样的方式, 在这样一个地方, and for such time as may be indicated on appropriate signs or markers. Zoned areas by number and color of decals are as follows:

区1 蓝色的 员工
区2 绿色 住房
区4 黑色的 通勤 & 家庭住房
区6 橙色 所有许可证停车

These zones are marked; therefore, use only as indicated above. 违规者将被警方传唤. 在车辆上只能看到一个许可证.

Parking in the following zones is restricted to the respective permits during the following times.

区1 7 a.m. 到3点.m. (M-F)
区2 在任何时候
区4 7 a.m. 到1p.m. (M-F)
区6 在任何时候,所有许可证都是开放的